美国Newport Oriel Sol3A AAA 级太阳光模拟器

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美国Newport Oriel Sol3A AAA 级太阳光模拟器

2023-10-02 14:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Oriel Sol3A 太阳光模拟器采用单灯设计,满足全部 3A 级性能标准,而不影响其 1 个太阳光强输出功率。按照惯例,AAA 级的第一个字母代表光谱匹配度,第二个字母代表辐照均匀性,第三个字母代表时间稳定性。Sol3A 太阳光模拟器符合以下三个标准的 AAA 级认证:IEC 60904-9 版本 2 (2007)、JIS C 8912 和 ASTM E 927-05。

工厂认证的 AAA 级 CW 太阳光模拟器

包括 IEC、ASTM 和 JIS 的 AAA 级校准证书

输出光斑尺寸为 2x2、4x4、6x6、8x8 或 12x12 英寸

输出太阳光 0.1 至 1.0 连续可调


超长寿命和高可靠性,可用于 7 x 24 小时的生产环境





AAA 级光谱匹配度

太阳光模拟器的理想光谱匹配度基于以 6 种光谱范围表示的累积光强度百分比。AAA 级太阳光模拟器在每个光谱范围内的偏差不能超过理想百分比的 0.75 倍至 1.25 倍。具有 AM 1.5G 光谱校正滤光片的 Oriel Sol3A 的光谱匹配度可以轻松满足 IEC、JIS 和 ASTM 的 A 级要求。


AAA 级辐照空间均匀性

工作区域的辐照均匀性是最难实现和保持的 AAA 级要求。局部热斑可能导致测量的电池转化效率出现显著的误差,并且可能导致电池拼接不准确。设计 AAA 级空间不均匀性性能标准的目的是使热斑的影响降到zuidi,严格的≤2%的误差标准。示意图展示了 2x2 英寸的模拟器有效工作区域的辐照不均匀性。每台仪器都会附上辐照不均匀性测试结果。


AAA 级时间不稳定性

时间不稳定性是 AAA 级标准的第三个性能参数。它要求输出光在一段时间内保持稳定,以确保灯的波动不会使太阳能电池效率的测量失真。Oriel 的 Sol3A 可以轻松满足由 IEC、ASTM 和 JIS 标准定义的时间不稳定性的要求。IEC 60904-9 (2007) 对短期不稳定性有最严格的要求,最大允许范围不超过 0.5%。示意图为 1.6kW Sol3A 太阳光模拟器以每隔 50ms 采样的典型不稳定性响应曲线,误差 0.369%。


AM1.5G 大气质量滤光片

灯通过大气质量滤光片可得到 AAA 级太阳光谱。除非滤光片衰减,否则我们的 1.5G 大气质量滤光片在任何条件下都可以保持其光学特性。94123A-CPV 的滤光片满足 AM 1.5G 或 AM 1.0D 光谱输出标准。'



Oriel Sol3A 太阳光模拟器光源是 CW 系统。这样就能够测试所有电池材料;有别于基于闪光灯的系统,由于在测试之前需要使电池在恒定光照水平下充分照射,系统就会收到材料响应时间的限制。我们的灯是无臭氧的氙弧灯。我们保证每个光源可追溯。该灯经过质量认证,至少可以满足光谱性能 1000 小时,最长可持续工作 2000 小时。对于不间断生产,我们建议购买替换用灯和校准面板,以在更换灯具时确保符合 AAA 级。



Oriel 稳压电源汲取了在高压电源设计方面超过 40 年的经验,为氙灯提供恒定的电流。电源控制器符合 CE 标准,具有通用的交流电接口,可在世界任何国家和地区使用。用户可以根据电源的累计小时数监测灯的使用情况,因为在灯具额定寿命结束时进行更换以保持最小 1 个太阳光输出和光谱特性是十分重要的。如果在超过灯具额定寿命的情况下继续使用,其输出会显著下降,且光谱特性也会改变。



所有 Sol3A 模拟器中都集成有可调光阑功能,为用户提供连续可调的太阳光辐照功能。衰减范围为 0.1 - 1 个太阳光强。衰减后的光斑不均匀性根据 IEC、JIS 和 ASTM 标准zuidi保持 B 级不均匀性。简单易用的旋钮控制连续衰减。光谱匹配度和时间稳定性在任何衰减下均保持 A 级性能。


Oriel Sol3A 太阳光模拟器包括用于生产环境操作的升级快门。这种全新设计的单片快门经久耐用,它的设计使用周期 > 100 万次。长期以来,我们的仪器实际使用周期已经超过 1000 万次。快门的最短曝光时间为 200 ms,可通过触点闭合或逻辑电平输入控制,也可通过模拟器外壳上便捷的按钮开关进行控制。

Customize Output Beam Direction

We offer the ability to change the direction of the output beam from the standard downward facing configuration. This is ideal for experimental set ups where the device under test cannot be placed directly underneath the instrument. The upward facing (SR1) configuration allows for the solar simulator to be placed underneath a glovebox and illuminate a sample through the port window. This is also convenient for electrical connections to back-contact solar cells while ensuring the entire active area is illuminated. Sideways facing (SR3 or SR4) configurations provide complete flexibility with mounting a device under test. These options are available for most beam sizes. Contact Newport Sales for more information.


Largest Area 12 inch x 12 inch Options

Unique to the Class AAA simulators are two 12 inch x 12 inch [300 mm x 300 mm] output beam size models. They are ideal for illuminating large area solar modules or panels while meeting the highest level of simulator classification standards. The 94123A-CPV model has the smallest collimation or beam divergence angle, making it ideal for concentrator solar cell characterization. It ships standard with the AM 1.5 Direct filter to simulate solar light that is only transmitted through the atmosphere, not reflected light


Oriel Sol3A 太阳光模拟器维护与保养

Oriel Sol3A 太阳光模拟器在灯具的额定“性能寿命”期间保持 AAA 级的性能。更换灯具时,应重新校准仪器以符合 AAA 级标准。辐照均匀性是最难以满足和维持的 AAA 级要求。为了便于测量和调整以维持 A 级均匀性,Newport 的资质工程师可提供现场重新认证服务。产品延保以及安装服务也都可以得到。请联系 Newport 销售部门以获取更多信息。

Optional Reference Cell

A calibrated reference cell is an integral part of solar simulator calibration and solar cell I-V characterization. The Oriel model 91150V consists of a readout meter and a 2 x 2 cm calibrated solar cell made of monocrystalline silicon. The cell is also equipped with a thermocouple assembled in accordance with IEC 60904-2. The certification is accredited by NIST to the ISO-17025 standard and is traceable both to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and to the International System of Units (SI). It reads solar simulator irradiance in "SUN" units; where one SUN is equal to 1000 W/m2 at 25 °C and AM 1.5G. The meter includes two connectors for analog outputs for the sun irradiance and the temperature.

We also offer reference cells with KG5 windows in place of the quartz window.

Oriel Solar Simulator Set Up Demonstration

Getting any solar simulator up and running is a straightforward process, as demonstrated in this video.

PhotoVoltaic Calibration Lab

We are proud to house and manage one of the few commercial photovoltaic and calibration test laboratories in the world. The Photovoltaic Calibration and Test Laboratory is accredited by A2LA to the ISO/IEC 17025 Standard, using state of the art equipment for measurements in accordance with ASTM E948 and E1021. The lab welcomes requests for prototype PV device performance measurements or PV reference cell calibrations. Flexible schedu领 and rapid turnaround time ensure minimal downtime to time sensitive devices.


Characterizing I-V Curves of PhotoVoltaic Cells

We offer test solutions to measure current-voltage (IV) characteristics of PV cells. Models are available in 1, 3, 5, or 10 amps configurations, determined by the current generated by the device under test. Solutions include the source meter, cab领, and IV Test Station software to capture data quickly and easily. Additional mounting, probing, and temperature control accessories are available. Oriel IV test solutions are designed to work with any Oriel solar simulator.










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